Pyco Flash Department has just released its beta version of Pyco Flash Framework (PFF). Its capabilities are demonstrated via our team’s minisite at
This framework is aim to
- Set up a standard foundation for almost all Pyco Flash projects. I must say “almost” because some projects may not benefit from deploying PFF, especially ones that are too small and their file size is really a matter. (PFF and PureMVC take up to ~ 90 kB in the main swf).
- Reduce the time and hassle of setting up the same project’s frame and common components over again. And therefore, reduce the effort spending on the project.
- Drive team members to a new development approach which helps improve teamwork collaboration and source code’s maintainability
PFF features some of the latest techniques and approaches in the Flash universe:
- Flex SDK compilation:
- Deploy FlashCS 3/4 & Flex SDK workflow
- Using precompiled libraries SWC extensively to separate UI and logic and to accelerate project build time
- All SWFs are compiled using Flex SDK compiler
- Build and deployment can be automated using build script like FlexANT, ANT, batch…
- The page manager supports external (loaded) and internal pages. Demo: Login form is an internal page (no waiting for loading). Researches' framework top page is a internal blank containing page
- Popups are supported (special pages which appear on top of other pages) Demo: Login form is a popup
- Custom transition for each page. Demo: Member page
- Page redirection. Demo: Redirection from Researches top page to Research Intro
- Linking page redirect users to an external URL. Demo: Forum
- Page accessibilty which requires authentication. Demo: Works (who wants to see this page may contact me for the password)
- Deep linking (AKA SWFAddress).
- The deeplinking module can be activated or omitted completely from project's build
- Page system has deep linking by default (if deep linkng is activated). Demo: All pages in the demo
- Especially, each page can implement its own sub-deeplink logic. This is an unprecedented feature which never be seen in other frameworks. Demo: Gallery page
- Multilingual support and dynamic fonts loading. A unique text style manager which centralized all fonts assets and styles. No character is embeded twice.
- A tracking manager which is designed to handle multiple tracking services at the same time. Trackers can be activated/deactivated completely from source code. Currently support Omniture, Webtrends and GoogleAnalytics. Future tracking services can be plugged in easily.
- Common utilities and controls: Scrollbar, Tooltip, StringUtil, Cookies, Random...
- Other modules and features to bundle in the framework: TBD
We are currently making the documents and API reference for it. Next step is to train every member of the team the usage of PFF.